Island tour
The Old Light
The site for the lighthouse was surveyed in 1819 following agreement with the then owner of Lundy Sir Aubrey de Vere Hunt. The light tower and keepers' house were designed by Daniel Alexander, the consultant engineer to Trinity House. They are of a massive construction to withstand the weather. The became operational on 21st February the following year but the height of light meant that it was often obscured by clouds.
This led to the construction of a fog signal station (the Battery) in 1863 and the replacement, in 1897, of the Old LIght by two new lights close to sea level at the north and south ends.
Anti-aircraft trench
Battery Point
Beacon Hill
Brazen Ward
Brick Field
Halfway Wall
John O'Groat's House
Mangonel Battery
Montagu Steps
MV Kaaksburg
Punchbowl Valley
Quarry Cottages
Quarter Wall
Rocket Pole
The Devil's Limekiln
The Devil's Slide
The Earthquake
Landing Bay
North Light
Old Light
The Pyramid
South Light