Since 1946 the LFS has published reports on scientific and other work on the island, initially in the Annual Report. Since 2008, academic papers are published in the Journal, whilst the Annual Report continues to report activities on the island, including bird sightings and other entries from the log book. Since the re-accreditation of the Lundy as a member of the bird observatory network in 2023, the LFS Annual Report contains only a summary of bird sightings. The full details are published on the Lundy Bird Observatory website.
Latest edition
The 2023 Annual Report was published in June 2024. The list of contents may be viewed here.
Previous editions
Lists of contents of all the previous editions of the Annual Report and downloads of the contents are available in the Annual Report Archive.
Back numbers
Many issues of the Annual Report are out of print, but some past issues are usually availlable for purchase. Issues up to 1975 are £5 each, those from 1976 onwards are £3. Postage and packing is £1 per copy. To enquire about availability please contact the Hon. Secretary, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..