2022 Fungi records

This table comprises the fungi records for 2022.

The contents of this table may be sorted using the arrows in the header row and filtered by entering text in the boxes at the head of each column.

Species nameScientific nameQuantitySite nameDateRecorder name
Jelly EarAuricularia auricula-judae Lundy2022-03-03B Needis
Common ConecapConocybe tenera Lundy2022-03-13Claire Mitchell
Cramp BallsDaldinia concentrica Lundy2022-03-14John Hedger
Hart's Tongue Fern RustMilesina scolopendrii Lundy2022-03-14John Hedger
Ground Elder RustPuccinia aegopodii Lundy2022-03-14John Hedger
Navelwort RustPuccinia umbilici Lundy2022-03-14John Hedger
Arum Yellow SpotRamularia ari Lundy2022-03-14John Hedger
Dead Moll's FingersXylaria longipes Lundy2022-03-14John Hedger
Ascobolus albidus Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Jelly EarAuricularia auricula-judae Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Cheilymenia fimicola Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Dry DusterConiophora arida Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Dewdrop InkcapCoprinellus heptemerus Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Cinnamon PorecrustFuscoporia ferrea Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Lasiobolus papillatus Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Alder BracketMensularia radiata syn. Xanthoporia radiata Lundy2022-03-15Alan and Sandra Rowland
Buckler Fern RustMilesina kriegeriana Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Banded MottlegillPanaeolus cinctulus Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Banded MottlegillPanaeolus cinctulus Lundy2022-03-15Alan and Sandra Rowland
Phomopsis albicans Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Cat's Ear RustPuccinia hieracii var. hypochaeridis Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Navelwort RustPuccinia umbilici Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Schizothecium aloides Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Bleeding Conifer CrustStereum sanguinolentum Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Dung RoundheadStropharia semiglobata Lundy2022-03-15John Hedger
Dung RoundheadStropharia semiglobata Lundy2022-03-15Alan and Sandra Rowland
Alternaria tenuissima Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Jelly EarAuricularia auricula-judae Lundy2022-03-16Rachel Forster
Calcarisporium arbuscula Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Calophoma complanata Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Calophoma complanata Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Ceuthospora hederae Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Cladosporium cladosporioides Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Cladosporium cladosporioides Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Doratomyces stemonitis Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Yellow Flag Leaf StripeEctostroma iridis Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Gonatobotrys simplex` Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Metatrichia vesparia Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Polypody RustMilesina dieteliana Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Hart's Tongue Fern RustMilesina scolopendrii Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Natantiella ligneola Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Nemania serpens Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Periconia cookei Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Nettle RashPhoma state of Leptosphaeria acuta Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Wood Sage RustPuccinia annularis Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Tetraploa aristata Lundy2022-03-16John Hedger
Dead Man's FingersXylaria polymorpha Lundy2022-03-16Rachel Forster
Hyaloscypha aureliella Lundy2022-03-17John Hedger
Bracken SwarmerMicropodia pteridina Lundy2022-03-17John Hedger
Common Grey DiscoMollisia cinerea Lundy2022-03-17John Hedger
Mollisia ligni Lundy2022-03-17John Hedger
Nemania confluens Lundy2022-03-17John Hedger
Stagonospora caricis Lundy2022-03-17John Hedger
A smut fungusAnthracoidea arenariae Lundy2022-06-16Mark Wilson
Common ConecapConocybe tenera Lundy2022-09-10Mandy Dee
Fairy Ring ChampignonMarasmius oreades Lundy2022-09-10Mandy Dee
Dewdrop MottlegillPanaeolus acuminatus Lundy2022-09-10Mandy Dee
Dung RoundheadStropharia semiglobata Lundy2022-09-10Mandy Dee
Glistening InkcapCoprinellus micaceus Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Cramp BallsDaldinia concentrica Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Orange Porecap, Orange Ping-pong BatFavolaschia claudopus (prev. F.calocera) Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Bolete eaterHypomyces chrysospermus Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Grassland PuffballLycoperdon spadiceum Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Twig ParachuteMarasmiellus ramealis Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Orange BonnetMycena acicula Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Frosty BonnetMycena adscendens syn. Mycena tenerrima Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Snapping BonnetMycena vitilis Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Perenniporia ochroleuca Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Tuberous polyporePolyporus tuberaster Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Purple BrittlegillRussula atropurpurea Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Bluefoot BoleteXerocomellus cisalpinus Lundy2022-09-11Mandy Dee
Field MushroomAgaricus campestris Lundy2022-09-12Mandy Dee
Hairy ParachuteCrinipellis scabella Lundy2022-09-12Mandy Dee
False ChanterelleHygrophoropsis aurantiaca Lundy2022-09-12Mandy Dee
ParasolMacrolepiota procera Lundy2022-09-12Mandy Dee
Petticoat MottlegillPanaeolus papilionaceus Lundy2022-09-12Mandy Dee
Psilocybe coprophila Lundy2022-09-12Mandy Dee
Deconica montana Lundy2022-09-14Mandy Dee
Cream PinkgillEntoloma sericellum Lundy2022-09-14Mandy Dee
Meadow PuffballLycoperdon pratense Lundy2022-09-14Mandy Dee
Brown RollrimPaxillus involutus Lundy2022-09-14Mandy Dee
Pale BrittlestemPsathyrella candolleana Lundy2022-09-14Mandy Dee
Coral BrittlegillRussula velenovskyi Lundy2022-09-14Mandy Dee
Riverine BoleteXerocomellus ripariellus Lundy2022-09-14Mandy Dee
Blackening WaxcapHygrocybe conica Lundy2022-09-15Mandy Dee
White DapperlingLeucoagaricus leucothites Lundy2022-09-15Mandy Dee
Tufted Wood MushroomAgaricus impudicus Lundy2022-09-16Mandy Dee
Lilac PinkgillEntoloma porphyrophaeum Lundy2022-09-16Mandy Dee
Jelly EarAuricularia auricula-judae Lundy2022-09-20Mandy Dee
Horse MushroomAgaricus arvensis Lundy2022-09-22Mandy Dee
Star PinkgillEntoloma conferendum Lundy2022-09-22Mandy Dee
Scaly EarthballScleroderma verrucosum Lundy2022-09-24Mandy Dee
Golden BootlegPhaeolepiota aurea Lundy2022-10-05Shaun Barnes
Porcelain FungusMucidula mucida Lundy2022-10-13Unknown
Fairy Ring ChampignonMarasmius oreades Lundy2022-10-14Unknown
Butter CapRhodocollybia butyracea Lundy2022-10-14Unknown
Jelly EarAuricularia auricula-judae Lundy2022-10-15Unknown
False Puffball Slime MouldReticularia lycoperdon syn. Enteridium lycoperdon Lundy2022-10-22Joanne Wilby
Field MushroomAgaricus campestris Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Yellow FieldcapBolbitius titubans Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Small StagshornCalocera cornea Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Lemon DiscoCalycina citrina syn. Bisporella citrina Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Smoky SpindlesClavaria fumosa Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Yellow ClubClavulinopsis helvola Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Handsome ClubClavulinopsis laeticolor Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Fool's FunnelClitocybe rivulosa Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Common ConecapConocybe tenera syn. C pulchella Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Dewdrop InkcapCoprinellus heptemerus Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Hairy ParachuteCrinipellis scabella Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Felted WaxcapCuphophyllus canescens Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Meadow WaxcapCuphophyllus pratensis Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Snowy WaxcapCuphophyllus virgineus Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Azure PinkgillEntoloma chalybeum var.lazulinum Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Star PinkgillEntoloma conferendum Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Entoloma longistriatum var.sarcitulum Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Entoloma longistriatum var.sarcitulum Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Papillate PinkgillEntoloma papillatum Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
White BrainExidia thuretiana Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Orange Porecap, Orange Pingpong BatFavolaschia claudopus (prev. F.calocera) Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Parrot WaxcapGliophorus psittacinus Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Russet ToughshankGymnopus dryophilus Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Orange WaxcapHygrocybe aurantiosplendens Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Butter WaxcapHygrocybe ceracea Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Golden WaxcapHygrocybe chlorophana Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Scarlet WaxcapHygrocybe coccinea Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Spangle WaxcapHygrocybe insipida Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Crimson WaxcapHygrocybe punicea Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Hypocrea strictipilosa Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
DeceiverLaccaria laccata Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Fairy Ring ChampignonMarasmius oreades Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Drab BonnetMycena aetites Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Mycena luteovariegata Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Mycena olivaceomarginata var. contraria Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Mycena olivaceomarginata var. olivaceomarginata Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Snapping BonnetMycena vitilis Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Dewdrop MottlegillPanaeolus acuminatus Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Banded MottlegillPanaeolus cinctulus Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Willow ShieldPluteus salicinus Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Pale BrittlestemPsathyrella candolleana Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Psilocybe coprophila syn. Deconica coprophila Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Orange MosscapRickenella fibula Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Orange MosscapRickenella fibula Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Pink DomecapRugosomyces carneus syn. Calocybe carnea Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Thyridaria rubronotata syn. Cyclothyriella rubronotata Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Dead Moll's FingersXylaria longipes Lundy2022-11-01John Hedger and Mandy Dee
White SpindlesClavaria fragilis Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Crested coralClavulina coralloides Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Yellow ClubClavulinopsis helvola Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Cedarwood WaxcapCuphophyllus russocoriaceus Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Papillate PinkgillEntoloma papillatum Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Galerina mniophila (or?pseudomniophila) Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Blackening WaxcapHygrocybe conica Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Curry MilkcapLactarius camphoratus Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Porcelain FungusMucidula mucida Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Clustered BonnetMycena inclinata Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Mycena sp. Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Bulbous BonnetMycena stylobates Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Frosty BonnetMycena tenerrima syn. M. adscendens Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Orange MosscapRickenella fibula Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Purple BrittlegillRussula atropurpurea Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Hairy Curtain CrustStereum hirsutum Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Cinquefoil Leaf SpotVenturia palustris Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Candlesnuff FungusXylaria hypoxylon Lundy2022-11-02John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Apiospora montagnei (Arthrinium state) Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Alternaria alternata Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Anthostomella rubicola syn. Alloanthostomella rubicola Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Ascochyta equiseti Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Ascochyta leptospora Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Cheirospora botryospora Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Colletotrichum dematium Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Dendryphiella infuscans Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Entoloma sericatum Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Entoloma turci Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Thistle Powdery MildewErysiphe cichoracearum syn. Golovinomyces cichoracearum Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Gnomonia cerastis Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Guignardia acerifera syn. Apioplagiostoma aceriferum Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Nettle RashLeptosphaeria acuta Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Clustered BonnetMycena inclinata Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Panaeolus atrobalteatus Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Perenniporia ochroleuca syn. Truncospora ochroleuca Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Perichaena vermicularis Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Periconia cookei Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Periconia minutissima Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Pezizella eburnea Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Violet Bramble RustPhragmidium violaceum Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Physarum pusillum Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Common Stump BrittlestemPsathyrella piluliformis Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Pyrenopeziza lychnidis syn. Pirottaea lychnidis Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Stemphylium botryosum (=vesicarum) Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Torula herbarum Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Torula herbarum Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Torula herbarum Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Ulocladium atrum syn. Alternaria atra Lundy2022-11-03John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Tufted Wood MushroomAgaricus impudicus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Black PuffballBovista nigrescens Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
ChanterelleCantharellus cibarius Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Pointed ClubClavaria acuta Lundy2022-11-04Richard Penney
Crested coralClavulina coralloides Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Meadow CoralClavulinopsis corniculata Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Golden SpindlesClavulinopsis fusiformis Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Yellow ClubClavulinopsis helvola Lundy2022-11-04Richard Penney
Apricot ClubClavulinopsis luteoalba Lundy2022-11-04Richard Penney
Downy ConecapConocybe pubescens Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Downy ConecapConocybe pubescens Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Meadow WaxcapCuphophyllus pratensis Lundy2022-11-04Richard Penney
Cedarwood WaxcapCuphophyllus russocoriaceus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Snowy WaxcapCuphophyllus virgineus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Snowy WaxcapCuphophyllus virgineus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Snowy WaxcapCuphophyllus virgineus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Snowy WaxcapCuphophyllus virgineus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Snowy WaxcapCuphophyllus virgineus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Pimple PinkgillEntoloma hebes Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Entoloma longistriatum var.sarcitulum Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Entoloma longistriatum var.sarcitulum Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Entoloma longistriatum var.sarcitulum Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Wood PinkgillEntoloma rhodopolium Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Entoloma sericatum Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Silky PinkgillEntoloma sericeum Lundy2022-11-04Richard and Christine Penney
Hairy BellGalerina atkinsoniana Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Hairy Leg BellGalerina vittiformis Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Heath WaxcapGliophorus laetus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Heath WaxcapGliophorus laetus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Heath WaxcapGliophorus laetus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Parrot WaxcapGliophorus psittacinus Lundy2022-11-04Richard and Christine Penney
Russet ToughshankGymnopus dryophilus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
PoisonpieHebeloma crustuliniforme Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
PoisonpieHebeloma crustuliniforme Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
PoisonpieHebeloma crustuliniforme Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Veiled PoisonpieHebeloma mesophaeum Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Orange WaxcapHygrocybe aurantiosplendens Lundy2022-11-04Richard and Christine Penney
Butter WaxcapHygrocybe ceracea Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Golden WaxcapHygrocybe chlorophana Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Golden WaxcapHygrocybe chlorophana Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Golden WaxcapHygrocybe chlorophana Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Scarlet WaxcapHygrocybe coccinea Lundy2022-11-04Richard and Christine Penney
Blackening WaxcapHygrocybe conica Lundy2022-11-04Richard and Christine Penney
Blackening WaxcapHygrocybe conica Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Spangle WaxcapHygrocybe insipida Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Spangle WaxcapHygrocybe insipida Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Spangle WaxcapHygrocybe insipida Lundy2022-11-04Richard and Christine Penney
Hygrocybe marchii Lundy2022-11-04Richard and Christine Penney
Crimson WaxcapHygrocybe punicea Lundy2022-11-04Richard and Christine Penney
Oily WaxcapHygrocybe quieta Lundy2022-11-04Richard and Christine Penney
Honey WaxcapHygrocybe reidii Lundy2022-11-04Richard and Christine Penney
False ChanterelleHygrophoropsis aurantiaca Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
False ChanterelleHygrophoropsis aurantiaca Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
False ChanterelleHygrophoropsis aurantiaca Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Hypholoma cf ericaeum Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Peat BrownieHypholoma udum syn. Bogbodia uda Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Peat BrownieHypholoma udum syn. Bogbodia uda Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Peat BrownieHypholoma udum syn. Bogbodia uda Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Orange MilkcapLactarius aurantiacus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Orange MilkcapLactarius aurantiacus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Lactarius lacunarum Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Dusky PuffballLycoperdon nigrescens Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Dusky PuffballLycoperdon nigrescens Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Fairy Ring ChampignonMarasmius oreades Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Drab BonnetMycena aetites Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Ivory BonnetMycena flavoalba syn. Atheniella flavoalba Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Panaeolus atrobalteatus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Papillate MottlegillPanaeolus papilionaceus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Egghead MottlegillPanaeolus semiovatus Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Coral BrittlegillRussula velenovskyi Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Dung RoundheadStropharia semiglobata Lundy2022-11-04John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Mini MushroomAgaricus comtulus Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Yellow ClubClavulinopsis helvola Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Apricot ClubClavulinopsis luteoalba Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Clouded FunnelClitocybe nebularis Lundy2022-11-05Richard and Christine Penney
Hairy ParachuteCrinipellis scabella Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Cedarwood WaxcapCuphophyllus russocoriaceus Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Cuphophyllus virgineusCuphophyllus virgineus Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Crazed CapDermoloma cuneifolium Lundy2022-11-05Richard and Christine Penney
Indigo PinkgillEntoloma chalybaeum var.chalybaeum Lundy2022-11-05Richard and Christine Penney
Star PinkgillEntoloma conferendum Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Entoloma lampropus Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Silky PinkgillEntoloma sericeum Lundy2022-11-05Richard and Christine Penney
Blue Edge PinkgillEntoloma serrulatum Lundy2022-11-05Richard and Christine Penney
Galerina pseudomycenopsis Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Lined MeadowcapGamundia pseudoclusilis syn. G striatula Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Heath WaxcapGliophorus laetus Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Heath WaxcapGliophorus laetus Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Parrot WaxcapGliophorus psittacinus Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Parrot WaxcapGliophorus psittacinus Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Orange WaxcapHygrocybe aurantiosplendens Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Golden WaxcapHygrocybe chlorophana Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Glutinous WaxcapHygrocybe glutinipes Lundy2022-11-05Richard and Christine Penney
Spangle WaxcapHygrocybe insipida Lundy2022-11-05Richard and Christine Penney
Crimson WaxcapHygrocybe punicea Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Marasmius oreades Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Fairy Ring ChampignonMarasmius oreades Lundy2022-11-05Richard and Christine Penney
Mycena flavoalba syn. Atheniella flavoalba Lundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Panaeolus atrobalteatusLundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Banded MottlegillPanaeolus cinctulusLundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Butter CapRhodocollybia butyraceaLundy2022-11-05John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Geranium BrittlegillRussula felleaLundy2022-11-05Richard and Christine Penney
Yellow ClubClavulinopsis helvola Lundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Downy ConecapConocybe pubescensLundy2022-11-06John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Golden Banded WebcapCortinarius saniosus Lundy2022-11-06John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Grey WaxcapCuphophyllus lacmusLundy2022-11-06John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Grey WaxcapCuphophyllus lacmusLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Meadow WaxcapCuphophyllus pratensisLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Indigo PinkgillEntoloma chalybaeum var.chalybaeumLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Entoloma sericatumLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Parrot WaxcapGliophorus psittacinusLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Hebeloma danicum syn. Hebeloma birrus Lundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Golden WaxcapHygrocybe chlorophanaLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Scarlet WaxcapHygrocybe coccineaLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Spangle WaxcapHygrocybe insipidaLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Crimson WaxcapHygrocybe puniceaLundy2022-11-06John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Oily WaxcapHygrocybe quietaLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Honey WaxcapHygrocybe reidiiLundy2022-11-06John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Splendid WaxcapHygrocybe splendidissimaLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Alder MilkcapLactarius obscuratus Lundy2022-11-06John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Fleecy MilkcapLactarius vellereusLundy2022-11-06John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Sordid BlewitLepista sordidaLundy2022-11-06Chris Dee
Heath NavelLichenomphalia umbelliferaLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Rugosomyces carneus syn. Calocybe carnea Lundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Floury BrittlegillRussula farinipesLundy2022-11-06Richard and Christine Penney
Scurfy TwigletTubaria hiemalis syn. FurfuraceaLundy2022-11-06John Hedger and Mandy Dee
Jelly EarAuricularia auricula-judaeLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Botryobasidium candicansLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Capnodium salicinum syn. Capnodium citriLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Oak MazegillDaedalea quercinaLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Dictydiaethalium plumbeumLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Hogweed Powdery MildewErysiphe heracleiLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Cinnamon PorecrustFuscoporia ferreaLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Glue CrustHymenochaete corrugata syn. Hydnoporia corrugataLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Hazel WoodwartHypoxylon fuscum Lundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Oakbug MilkcapLactarius quietusLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Alder BracketMensularia radiata syn. Xanthoporia radiataLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Black Milking BonnetMycena galopus var.nigraLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Brownedge BonnetMycena olivaceomarginataLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Mycena stylobatesLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Coral SpotNectria cinnabarina Lundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Nemania confluensLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Brown RollrimPaxillus involutus Lundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Pezizella chrysostigma syn. Psilachnum chrysostigmumLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Powderpuff BracketPostia ptychogasterLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Figwort Leaf SpotRamularia scrophulariaeLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Hairy OysterlingResupinatus trichotisLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Sycamore TarspotRhytisma acerinum Lundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Purple BrittlegillRussula atropurpureaLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Charcoal BurnerRussula cyanoxantha Lundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Ochre BrittlegillRussula ochroleucaLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Split PorecrustSchizopora paradoxaLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Hairy Curtain CrustStereum hirsutum Lundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Bleeding Broadleaf CrustStereum rugosumLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Bleeding Conifer CrustStereum sanguinolentum Lundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Trechispora farinaceaLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Dead Moll's FingersXylaria longipesLundy2022-11-07John Hedger
Bowl HoodieCalyptella capulaLundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Orange Jelly SpotDacrymyces chrysospermus Lundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Dacrymyces enatus syn. Cerinomyces enatusLundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Dasyscyphus niveusLundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Warlock's ButterExidia nigricansLundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Sphagnum BellGalerina sphagnorumLundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Deceptive EarthtongueGeoglossum fallaxLundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Deceptive EarthtongueGeoglossum fallaxLundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Glutinous EarthtongueGlutinoglossum glutinosum Lundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Wooly OysterHohenbuehelia mastrucataLundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Vermillion WaxcapHygrocybe miniataLundy2022-11-09Stuart Cossey
Powderpuff BracketPostia ptychogasterLundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Lumpy BracketTrametes gibbosaLundy2022-11-09John Hedger
Candlesnuff FungusXylaria hypoxylon Lundy2022-11-09Alan and Sandra Rowland
Horse MushroomAgaricus arvensisLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Field MushroomAgaricus campestrisLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Cheilymenia fimicolaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Shaggy ParasolChlorophyllum rhacodesLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Fool's FunnelClitocybe rivulosaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Downy ConecapConocybe pubescensLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Common ConecapConocybe tenera syn. C pulchellaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Dewdrop InkcapCoprinellus heptemerusLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Hairy ParachuteCrinipellis scabellaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Entoloma lampropusLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Entoloma longistriatum var.sarcitulumLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Papillate PinkgillEntoloma papillatumLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Lilac PinkgillEntoloma porphyrophaeum Lundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Blue Edge PinkgillEntoloma serrulatumLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Galerina minima Lundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Galerina minima Lundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Hansfordia pulvinataLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Blackening WaxcapHygrocybe conicaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Honey WaxcapHygrocybe reidiiLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Hysterium angustatumLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Heath NavelLichenomphalia umbelliferaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Meadow PuffballLycoperdon pratenseLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
ParasolMacrolepiota proceraLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Marasmius oreadesLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Dogs Vomit Slime MouldMucilago crustaceaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Iodine BonnetMycena filopesLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Nectria veuillotiana (Cylindrocarpon state)Lundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Nemania serpensLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Paecilomyces marquandii syn. Marquandomyces marquandii Lundy2022-11-10Diane Stewart
Banded MottlegillPanaeolus cinctulusLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Turf MottlegillPanaeolus fimicola Lundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Brown MottlegillPanaeolina foeniseciiLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Peniophora quercinaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Conifer Blueing BracketPostia caesia syn. Cyanosporus caesiusLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Propolis versicolor syn. Propolis farinosaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Psilocybe coprophila syn. Deconica coprophilaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Ramularia arvensisLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Willow TarspotRhytisma salicinumLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Sporidesmium anglicumLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Peppery RoundheadStropharia pseudocyaneaLundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Turkey TailTrametes versicolor Lundy2022-11-10John Hedger
Beauveria bassiana Lundy2022-11-11Alan Rowland
Yellow ClubClavulinopsis helvolaLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Apricot ClubClavulinopsis luteoalbaLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Common FunnelClitocybe gibba syn. Infundibulicybe gibba Lundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Snowy InkcapCoprinopsis niveaLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Papillate PinkgillEntoloma papillatum Lundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Parrot WaxcapGliophorus psittacinusLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Golden WaxcapHygrocybe chlorophanaLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Oily WaxcapHygrocybe quietaLundy2022-11-11Richard and Christine Penney
Dogs Vomit Slime MouldMucilago crustaceaLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Dogs Vomit Slime MouldMucilago crustaceaLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Drab BonnetMycena aetitesLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Dewdrop MottlegillPanaeolus acuminatusLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Banded MottlegillPanaeolus cinctulusLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Egghead MottlegillPanaeolus semiovatusLundy2022-11-11John Hedger
Cedarwood WaxcapCuphophyllus russocoriaceusLundy2022-11-12John Hedger
Goblet WaxcapHygrocybe cantharellusLundy2022-11-12John Hedger
Scarlet WaxcapHygrocybe coccineaLundy2022-11-12John Hedger
SplitgillSchizophyllum commune Lundy2022-11-12Stuart Cossey
Melastiza chateri?Lundy2022-11-15Alan and Sandra Rowland
Dog Vomit Slime MouldMucilago crustaceaLundy2022-11-15Stuart Cossey
Coral BrittlegillRussula velenovskyiLundy2022-11-15Stuart Cossey
Blistered CupPeziza vesiculosaLundy2022-11-23Stuart Cossey


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