2019 Slug and Snail records

This table comprises the Slug and Snail records for 2019.

The contents of this table may be sorted using the arrows in the header row and filtered by entering text in the boxes at the head of each column.

Species nameScientific nameQuantitySite nameDateRecorder name
Black slugClausilia bidentata1Quarry Cottages2019-05-08Jo Shepherd
Strawberry snailTrochulus striolatus1Millcombe2019-04-19Mandy Dee
Tree snailBalea perversa4Quarry Cottages2019-11-06Alan Rowland
Brown-lipped snailCepaea nemoralis1St John's Valley2019-04-17Mandy Dee
Brown-lipped snailCepaea nemoralis2Quarry Cottages2019-05-08Jo Shepherd
a Door snailClausilia bidentata1Millcombe2019-04-19Mandy Dee
Discus rotundatusDiscus rotundatus1Millcombe2019-04-19Mandy Dee
Garden snailHelix aspersa1Millcombe2019-04-17Mandy Dee
Garden snailHelix aspersa1Lower East Side Path2019-05-08Jo Shepherd
Tiger slugLimax maximus1North Light2019-09-30Richard Breese

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