2020 Freshwater Invertebrates records

This table comprises the freshwater invertebrate records for 2020.

The contents of this table may be sorted using the arrows in the header row and filtered by entering text in the boxes at the head of each column.

Species nameScientific nameQuantitySite nameDateRecorder name
Caseless CaddisDiplectrona felix2Millcombe/St John's Stream2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Water SlaterProasellus meridianus11Millcombe/St John's Stream2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Non-biting MidgeChironomidae5Millcombe/St John's Stream2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Seed ShrimpOstracoda1Millcombe/St John's Stream2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Meniscus MidgeDixidae1Millcombe/St John's Stream2020-07-10Alan Rowland
FlatwormPhagocata vita25Millcombe/St John's Stream2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Jenkin's Spire SnailPotamopyrgus antipodarum126Millcombe/St John's Stream2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Trickle flyThaumaleidae5Millcombe/St John's Stream2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Black WormLumbriculus variegatus1Millcombe/St John's Stream2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Mosquito pupaCulicidae1Millcombe/St John's Stream2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Water SlaterProasellus meridianus35Millcombe Stream 2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Jenkin's Spire SnailPotamopyrgus antipodarum171Millcombe Stream 2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Black WormLumbriculus variegatus21Millcombe Stream 2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Non-biting MidgeChironomidae9Millcombe Stream 2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Pea MusselSphaeriidae sp1Millcombe Stream 2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Meniscus MidgeDixidae1Millcombe Stream 2020-07-10Alan Rowland
FlatwormPhagocata vitta25Millcombe Stream 2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Crane FlyDicranota1Millcombe Stream 2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Wandering SnailLymnaea peregra1Millcombe Stream 2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Mirror CarpCyprinus carpio carpio100+Rocket Pole Pond2020-07-12Alan Rowland
Jenkin's Spire SnailPotamopyrgus antipodarum45Brambles Pond2020-07-14Alan Rowland
Seed ShrimpOstracoda6Brambles Pond2020-07-14Alan Rowland
Non-biting MidgeChironomidae13Brambles Pond2020-07-14Alan Rowland
Biting midgesCeratopogonidae1Brambles Pond2020-07-14Alan Rowland
Mosquito pupaCulicidae4Brambles Pond2020-07-14Alan Rowland
Trickle flyThaumaleidae1Brambles Pond2020-07-14Alan Rowland
Crane FlyTipulidae1Brambles Pond2020-07-14Alan Rowland
Jenkin's Spire SnailPotamopyrgus antipodarum151St John's Stream Square Cottage 2020-07-15Alan Rowland
FlatwormPolycelis nigra7St John's Stream Square Cottage 2020-07-15Alan Rowland
FlatwormPhagocata vita 10St John's Stream Square Cottage 2020-07-15Alan Rowland
Non-biting MidgeChironomidae8St John's Stream Square Cottage 2020-07-15Alan Rowland
Wandering SnailLymnaea peregra48St John's Stream Square Cottage 2020-07-15Alan Rowland
Water SlaterProasellus meridianus139St John's Stream Square Cottage 2020-07-15Alan Rowland
Pond SkaterGerridae2St John's Stream Square Cottage 2020-07-15Alan Rowland
Seed ShrimpOstracoda1St John's Stream Square Cottage 2020-07-15Alan Rowland
Diving beetleColymbetes fuscus1St John's Stream Square Cottage 2020-07-15Alan Rowland

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