2021 Beetle records

This table comprises the beetle records for 2021.

The contents of this table may be sorted using the arrows in the header row and filtered by entering text in the boxes at the head of each column.

English nameScientific nameQuantitySite nameDateRecorder name
Black Oil beetleMeloe proscarabaeus1Beach Road2021-03-08Jade Angeles Fitton
Black Oil beetleMeloe proscarabaeus2Benjamin's Chair2021-04-15Rosie Ellis
Green Tiger beetleCicindela campestris1Lower East Side Path2021-04-29Higginson, Chapman &, Lever
a soft-winged flower beetlePsilothrix viridicoerulea1Lundy2021-05-01Andrew Higginson, Katy Chapman &, Lisa Lever
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorosus1Lundy2021-05-01Higginson, Chapman &, Lever
Minotaur beetleTyphaeus typhoeus1Lundy2021-05-01Higginson, Chapman &, Lever
a Diving beetleHydroporus1Brambles Pond 2021-05-11Alan Rowland
a Diving beetleHydroporus1Brambles Pond 2021-05-11Alan Rowland
Dung beetleGeotrupes spiniger2Quarries2021-05-11Alan & Sandra Rowland
Minotaur beetleTyphaeus typhoeus1Benjamin's Chair2021-05-14Tim Davis & Tim Jones
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Rocket Pole2021-05-15Alan & Sandra Rowland
Oil beetleMeloe1South Light2021-05-16D H & N Boyer
Wasp BeetleClytus arietis 1Barn2021-05-16Alan & Sandra Rowlandnew
Black Snail BeetleSilpha atrata1Terrace2021-05-18Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Terrace2021-05-18Alan & Sandra Rowland
Sexton beetleNicrophorus humator1Millcombe2021-05-23Dean Jones
RosechaferCetonia aurata3West Side2021-05-26Tony Taylor
Green Tiger beetleCicindela campestris1Gannets' Coombe2021-05-29Dean Jones
RosechaferCetonia aurata7Gannets' Coombe2021-05-29Dean Jones
Green Tiger beetleCicindela campestris2Lower East Side Path2021-05-30R&R Taylor
RosechaferCetonia aurata2West Side2021-05-30R&R Taylor
Green Tiger beetleCicindela campestris1Lundy2021-05-31R&R Taylor
RosechaferCetonia aurata6Lundy2021-05-31R&R Taylor
RosechaferCetonia aurata1Lundy2021-06-01R&R Taylor
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Upper East Side Path2021-06-03Alan & Sandra Rowland
RosechaferCetonia aurata12Lundy2021-06-04R&R Taylor
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Lower East Side Path2021-06-05Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius2North End2021-06-05Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius2Threequarter Wall2021-06-05Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Gannets' Coombe2021-06-05Alan & Sandra Rowland
RosechaferCetonia aurata1Tibbetts2021-06-05Alan & Sandra Rowland
Vine WeevilOtiorhynchus sulcatus1Gannets' Coombe2021-06-05Alan & Sandra Rowland
a click beetleAthous haemorrhoidalis1Village2021-06-06Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Lower East Side Path2021-06-06Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius7Quarries2021-06-06Alan & Sandra Rowland
RosechaferCetonia aurata1Lower East Side Path2021-06-06Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Tibbetts2021-06-10Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius3Quarries2021-06-10Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Lower East Side Path2021-06-10Alan & Sandra Rowland
Lundy Cabbage Leaf WeevilCeutorhynchus contractus var. pallipes1Beach Road2021-06-10Alan & Sandra Rowland
Black Sexton beetleNicrophorus humator1Millcombe2021-06-16Dean Jones
RosechaferCetonia aurata13Quarries2021-07-02Dean Jones
RosechaferCetonia aurata5Quarries2021-07-04Dean Jones
RosechaferCetonia aurata1East Side2021-07-08Alan & Sandra Rowland
Common Red Soldier beetleRhagonycha fulva1Upper East Side Path2021-07-09Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Upper East Side Path2021-07-09Alan & Sandra Rowland
a rove beetleStaphylinus erythropterus1Pondsbury2021-07-10Alan & Sandra Rowland
Common Red Soldier beetleRhagonycha fulva3Millcombe2021-07-10Alan & Sandra Rowland
Granulated Carabid beetleCarabus granulatus1West Side2021-07-10Alan & Sandra Rowland
RosechaferCetonia aurata2North End2021-07-10Alan & Sandra Rowland
Black Sexton beetleNicrophorus humator1Millcombe2021-07-11Dean Jones
Shore Sexton beetleNecrodes littoralis1Millcombe2021-07-11Dean Jones
a Whirligig beetleGyrinus12Quarterwall Pond2021-07-12Alan Rowland
Common Red Soldier beetleRhagonycha fulva10Lower East Side Path2021-07-12Alan & Sandra Rowland
Common Red Soldier beetleRhagonycha fulva4Terrace2021-07-12Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Lower East Side Path2021-07-12Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Quarries2021-07-12Alan & Sandra Rowland
RosechaferCetonia aurata3Terrace2021-07-12Alan & Sandra Rowland
Sulphur beetleCteniopus sulphureus9Castle2021-07-12Alan & Sandra Rowland
Common Red Soldier beetleRhagonycha fulva11Quarries2021-07-13Alan & Sandra Rowland
Common Red Soldier beetleRhagonycha fulva26Upper East Side Path2021-07-13Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1Upper East Side Path2021-07-13Alan & Sandra Rowland
RosechaferCetonia aurata1Quarries2021-07-13Alan & Sandra Rowland
Sulphur beetleCteniopus sulphureus1Beach Road2021-07-13Alan & Sandra Rowland
a carrion beetleSilpha tristis1Millcombe2021-07-28Alan & Sandra Rowlandnew
Common Red Soldier beetleRhagonycha fulva5Millcombe2021-07-28Alan & Sandra Rowland
Common Red Soldier beetleRhagonycha fulva5Beach Road2021-07-28Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1West Side2021-07-28Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius2Millcombe2021-07-28Alan & Sandra Rowland
RosechaferCetonia aurata1Ugly2021-07-28log book entry
RosechaferCetonia aurata1West Side2021-07-28Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupidae1Gannets' Coombe2021-07-29log book entry
RosechaferCetonia aurata1Old Light2021-07-29Nicole Holt
Black Snail BeetleSilpha atrata1Brambles2021-08-01Paul Holt
RosechaferCetonia aurata2Terrace2021-08-01Jacki, Nicole & Paul Holt
Black Sexton beetleNicrophorus humator1Lundy2021-08-11Dean Jones
Brown ChaferSerica brunnea1Lundy2021-08-11Dean Jones
Shore Sexton beetleNecrodes littoralis1Lundy2021-08-11Dean Jones
a carrion beetleNicrophorus investigator1Lundy2021-08-25Dean Jones
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1East Side2021-08-25Alan & Sandra Rowland
Vine WeevilOtiorhynchus sulcatus1Lundy2021-08-25Dean Jones
Dor BeetleGeotrupidae2West Side2021-09-01J Cayford
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius4Quarries2021-10-08Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius2Upper East Side Path2021-10-08Alan & Sandra Rowland
Minotaur beetleTyphaeus typhoeus2Quarries2021-10-08Alan & Sandra Rowland
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius12West Side2021-10-09Alan & Sandra Rowland
Minotaur beetleTyphaeus typhoeus1Jenny's Cove2021-10-09Alan & Sandra Rowland
a leaf beetleChrysolina banksii2Millcombe2021-10-10Alan & Sandra Rowland
Black Snail BeetleSilpha atrata1Village2021-10-17Carol Waring
Black Snail BeetleSilpha atrata1Millcombe2021-10-18Carol Waring
Dor BeetleGeotrupidae1Gannets' Coombe2021-11-10log book entry
Dor BeetleGeotrupes stercorarius1North End2021-11-14Alan & Sandra Rowland
a Diving beetleDytiscidae7Brambles Pond 2021-11-15Alan Rowland
a Diving beetleDytiscidae2St John’s Stream Brambles 2021-11-15Alan Rowland
a Diving beetleDytiscidae2St John’s Stream - Square Cottage2021-11-17Alan Rowland

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