Lundy list of Butterflies and Moths
This is the definitive list of Butterflies and Moths recorded on Lundy to the end of 2023.
The list presented here represents the cumulative list of moth species recorded on Lundy, extracted from various sources and recent trapping by the warden, Dean Jones.
The UK has 59 species of butterflies in five families. By contrast, Lundy has had up to 25 species in three families. Currently there are 20 species that can be found on the island.
The early references are to undated and unattributed lists in:
Chanter, 1877 - Lundy Island
Loyd, 1925 - Lundy its History and Natural History
Palmer, 1946 - Ilfracombe Flora and Fauna
The first record of named butterflies in the LFS Annual Report was in 1967 when C Garret-Jones stayed on Lundy from 6th to 9th July 1968 and in the LFS AR Vol 19 reported only five species.
When Nick Dymond was employed as warden in 1972 he began systematically to list his sightings throughout the year and in the 1972 Vol 23 AR his list is very similar to the current one. He notes the first Holly Blue and also the absence of Comma, Clouded Yellow and Orange Tip and the extinct species Pearl-bordered and Small Pearl-bordered Fritillaries and Brown Argus. These and Speckled Wood remain as unusual sightings that would be welcome entries in our log book.
For butterflies, the abundance categories are 1 or 2 occurrences = Rare, < 10 = Occasional, 10-99 = Common, >100 = Abundant.
An analysis of Lundy butterfly records used for the article in the LFS Journal volume 9 is available in Excel format for download here.
A total of 468 species (or forms) are listed here.
List alphabetically by scientific nameList in taxonomic order
- [No common name] Acleris aspersanafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Acleris forsskaleanafirst: 1989
- [No common name] Acleris hastianafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Acleris literanafirst: 1992
- [No common name] Acleris sparsanafirst: 2016
- [No common name] Adaina microdactylaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 2016
- [No common name] Aethes cnicanafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Aethes rubiganafirst: 1990
- [No common name] Agapeta hamanafirst: 1986
- [No common name] Agonopterix alstroemerianafirst: 1989
- [No common name] Agonopterix heraclianafirst: 1989
- [No common name] Agonopterix nervosafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Agonopterix propinquellaUnconfirmed - possible misidentifcationfirst: none
- [No common name] Agonopterix subpropinquellafirst: 1995
- [No common name] Agonopterix umbellanafirst: 2017
- [No common name] Agriphila geniculeafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Agriphila straminellafirst: 1989
- [No common name] Agriphila tristellafirst: 1985
- [No common name] Amphipoea sp.first: 2021
- [No common name] Anania coronatafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Anania fuscalisfirst: 2018
- [No common name] Anania terrealisfirst: 1990
- [No common name] Ancylosis oblitellafirst: 2016
- [No common name] Apotomis capreanaUnconfirmedfirst: 1878
- [No common name] Apotomis saucianafirst: 2016
- [No common name] Apotomis semifascianafirst: 1990
- [No common name] Aproaerema anthyllidellafirst: 2018
- [No common name] Argyresthia albistriafirst: 1988
- [No common name] Argyresthia goedartellafirst: 1988
- [No common name] Aspilapteryx tringipennellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Bactra lancealanafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Bedellia somnulentellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Blastobasis adustellafirst: 2018
- [No common name] Borkhausenia fuscescensfirst: 2018
- [No common name] Bryotropha terrellafirst: 2021
- [No common name] Caloptilia stigmatellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Catoptria margaritellafirst: 1995
- [No common name] Catoptria pinellafirst: 1995
- [No common name] Celypha lacunanafirst: 2016
- [No common name] Chrysoteuchia culmellafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Cochylis atricapitanafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Coleophora alticolellafirst: 1987
- [No common name] Coleophora argentulafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Coleophora discordellafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Coleophora lusciniaepennellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Coleophora paripennellafirst: 1988
- [No common name] Coleophora serratellafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Cosmiotes consortellafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Crambus pascuellafirst: 1878
- [No common name] Crambus perlellafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Crambus pratellaNever been recorded in VC4, possibly C. lathoniellusfirst: 1907
- [No common name] Cydia ulicetana (succedana auctt)first: 1907
- [No common name] Delplanqueia dilutellafirst: 2018
- [No common name] Deltaornix torquillellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Depressaria daucella first: 1988
- [No common name] Dichrorampha petiverallafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Dichrorampha plumbaganafirst: 1996
- [No common name] Dichrorampha plumbanafirst: 1984
- [No common name] Dolicharthria punctalisfirst: 1988
- [No common name] Donacaula forficellafirst: 2021
- [No common name] Ebulea crocealisfirst: 2011
- [No common name] Elachista albifrontellafirst: 1878
- [No common name] Elachista argentellafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Elachista atricomellafirst: 2018
- [No common name] Elachista canapennellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Endotricha flammealisfirst: 1907
- [No common name] Epermenia chaerophyllellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Epiblema cynosbatellafirst: 1996
- [No common name] Epiblema roboranafirst: 1995
- [No common name] Epiblema scutulanafirst: 1987
- [No common name] Epinotia solandrianaUnconfirmedfirst: 1878
- [No common name] Esperia sulphurellafirst: 1984
- [No common name] Eucosma campolilianafirst: 2020
- [No common name] Eucosma canafirst: 1988
- [No common name] Eudonia angusteafirst: 1985
- [No common name] Eudonia delunellafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Eudonia lacustratafirst: 1990
- [No common name] Eudonia mercurellafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Eudonia muranaMisidentifcation, probably E.truncicolellafirst: 1987
- [No common name] Eudonia truncicolellafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Eulamprotes immaculatellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Eupoecilia angustanafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Evergestis pallidatafirst: 1878
- [No common name] Glyphipterix thrasonellafirst: none
- [No common name] Gypsonoma dealbanaPossibly misidentified record of G. sociana in 1988 may have been this speciesfirst: 2021
- [No common name] Gypsonoma socianaPossibly G. dealbanafirst: 1988
- [No common name] Hysterophora maculosanafirst: 2000
- [No common name] Incurvaria oehlmanniellafirst: 2021
- [No common name] Lobesia abscisanafirst: 2018
- [No common name] Lobesia littoralisfirst: 1992
- [No common name] Lozotaenia forsteranafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Luffia ferchaultellafirst: 2000
- [No common name] Micropterix aruncellafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Mompha raschkiellafirst: 2018
- [No common name] Monochroa cytisellafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Monopis crocicapitellafirst: 2017
- [No common name] Monopis obviellafirst: 2018
- [No common name] Neofaculta ericetellafirst: 2020
- [No common name] Nothris congressariellaNationally rare/scarcefirst: 1986
- [No common name] Ochsenheimeria taurellafirst: 2018
- [No common name] Palpita vitrealisRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 2013
- [No common name] Pammene fascianafirst: 1990
- [No common name] Pandemis corylanafirst: 1985
- [No common name] Phycitodes binaevellafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Phycitodes saxicolafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Phyllonorycter messaniellafirst: 1989
- [No common name] Phyllonorycter quinqueguttellafirst: 1989
- [No common name] Phyllonorycter trifasciellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Prochoreutis mylleranaOne record of this or P. sehestedianafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Prochoreutis sehestedianaOne record of this or P. mylleranafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Pseudargyrotoza conwaganafirst: 2021
- [No common name] Pseudatemelia josephinaeUnconfirmed - possible misidentifcationfirst: 1989
- [No common name] Psyche castafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Psychoides filicivorafirst: 2018
- [No common name] Pyrausta cingulatafirst: 1985
- [No common name] Pyrausta despicatafirst: 1987
- [No common name] Schreckensteinia festaliellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Scoparia ambigualisfirst: 2000
- [No common name] Scoparia pyralellafirst: 1907
- [No common name] Scrobipalpa acuminatellafirst: 2011
- [No common name] Scythris grandipennisfirst: 2011
- [No common name] Stigmella aurellafirst: 1993
- [No common name] Stigmella salicisfirst: 2011
- [No common name] Syndemis musculanafirst: 2018
- [No common name] Tebenna micalisfirst: 2011
- [No common name] Teleiopsis diffinisfirst: 2011
- [No common name] Tinea pallescentellafirst: 2019
- [No common name] Trifurcula immundellaUnconfirmedfirst: 1988
- [No common name] Udea olivalisfirst: 1993
- [No common name] Udea prunalisfirst: 1990
- [No common name] Ypsolopha mucronellafirst: 2019
- [No common name] Zeiraphera isertanafirst: 1993
- (Horehound) Plume Moth Pterophorus (=Wheeleria) spilodactylusFoodplant does not occur (or no longer occurs) on Lundyfirst: 1877
- Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosafirst: 1968
- Annulet Charissa obscuratafirst: 1986
- Anomalous Stilbia anomalafirst: 1973
- Antler Moth Cerapteryx graminisfirst: 1951
- Apple Leaf Miner Lyonetia clerkellafirst: 2011
- August Thorn Ennomos quercinariaUnconfirmedfirst: 1878
- Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa first: 2008
- Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix Pandemis cerasanafirst: 1995
- Barred Red Hylaea fasciariafirst: 2013
- Barrett's Marbled Coronet Hadena luteagofirst: 1986
- Beaded Chestnut Agrochola lychnidisfirst: 1990
- Beautiful Brocade Lacanobia contiguaUnconfirmedfirst: 1878
- Beautiful Golden Y Autographa pulchrinafirst: 2010
- Bee Moth Aphomia sociellafirst: 1990
- Birch Tortrix Epinotia immundanafirst: 2023reference: LFS Annual Report 2023
- Black Rustic Aporophyla nigrafirst: 1988
- Bleached Pug Eupithecia expallidatafirst: 1990
- Blood-vein Timandra comaefirst: 1984
- Bordered Straw Heliothis peltigerafirst: 1968
- Bramble Shoot Moth Epiblema uddmannianafirst: 1973
- Brick Agrochola circellarisfirst: 2006
- Bright-line Brown-eye Lacanobia oleraceafirst: 1968
- Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamniRarefirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946
- Brimstone Moth Opisthograptis luteolata first: 1877
- Brindled Ochre Dasypolia templifirst: 2006
- Brindled Pug Eupithecia abbreviata Unconfirmedfirst: 1968
- Broad-barred White Hecatera bicoloratafirst: 1907
- Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing Noctua fimbriatafirst: 2018
- Broom Moth Melanchra pisifirst: 1878
- Brown Argus Aricia agestisRarefirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946
- Brown China-mark Moth Elophila nymphaeata (adult)first: 1907
- Brown China-mark Moth Elophila nymphaeata (aquatic larva)first: 2017
- Brown House Moth Hofmannophila pseudospretellafirst: 1988
- Brown Rustic Rusina ferrugineaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 1968
- Brown Silver-line Petrophora chlorosatafirst: 1973
- Brown-line Bright-eye Mythimna conigerafirst: 2018
- Brown-tail Euproctis chrysorrhoeaUnconfirmedfirst: 1878
- Brown-veined Wainscot Archanara dissolutaPossible Vagrantfirst: 1987
- Brussels Lace Cleorodes lichenariafirst: 1968
- Bud Moth Spilonota ocellanafirst: 1990
- Buff Arches Habrosybe pyritoidesfirst: 2009
- Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteumfirst: 1968
- Buff-tip Phalera bucephalafirst: 1877
- Burnished Brass Diachrysia chrysitisfirst: 1943reference: Carpenter, G D H. New records of insects and woodlice from Lundy island. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 79, 121-23.
- Cabbage Moth Mamestra brassicaefirst: 1968
- Camberwell Beauty Nymphalis antiopaRare - unconfirmedfirst: 2002
- Campanula Pug Eupithecia denotatafirst: 2012
- Canary-shouldered Thorn Ennomos alniariaUnconfirmedfirst: 1877
- Case-bearing Clothes Moth Tinea pellionellafirst: 2018
- Chevron Eulithis testataRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 2010
- Chinese Character Cilix glaucatafirst: 1973
- Cinnabar Moth Tyria jacobaeaefirst: 1996
- Clay Mythimna ferragofirst: 1968
- Cloaked Minor Mesoligia furunculafirst: 1987
- Clouded Border Lomaspilis marginataRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 1993
- Clouded Silver Lomographa temeratafirst: 1951
- Clouded Yellow Colias croceusCommonfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946
- Clouder-bordered Brindle Apamea crenatafirst: 1968
- Cocksfoot Moth Glyphipterix simpliciellafirst: 1984
- Comma Polygonia c-albumRarefirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946
- Common Blue Polyommatus icarusOccasionalfirst: 1925reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Common Carpet Epirrhoe alternatafirst: 1907
- Common Emerald Hemithea aestivariafirst: 1993
- Common Footman Eilema lurideolafirst: 1973
- Common Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta truncatafirst: 1907
- Common Plume Moth Emmelina monodactylafirst: 1990
- Common Pug Eupithecia vulgata first: 1988
- Common Quaker Orthosia cerasifirst: 1990
- Common Rustic Mesapamea secalisUnconfirmedfirst: 1973
- Common Swift Hepalius lupulinusfirst: 1987
- Common Wainscot Mythimna pallensfirst: 1987
- Common White Wave Cabera pusariafirst: 2017
- Common/Lesser Common Rustic agg. Mesapamea secalis/didymafirst: 2017
- Convolvulus Hawk-moth Agrius convolvulifirst: 1878
- Copper Underwing Amphipyra pyramideafirst: 1995
- Cream-spot Tiger Arctia villica (=britannica)first: 1878
- Crescent Dart Agrotis truxfirst: 1907
- Crimson Speckled Utetheisa pulchellaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 1992
- Dark Arches Apamea monoglyphafirst: 1968
- Dark Brocade Blepharita adustaUnconfirmedfirst: 1988
- Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix Pandemis heparanafirst: 1988
- Dark Green Fritillary Argynnis aglajaFormerly rare, common since 2002first: 1994
- Dark marbled Carpet Chloroclysta citratafirst: 2010
- Dark Sword-grass Agrotis ipsilonfirst: 1907
- Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugataUnconfirmedfirst: 2011
- Death's-head Hawk-moth Acherontia atroposfirst: 1877
- Delicate Mythimna vitellinafirst: 2006
- Devonshire Wainscot Mythimna putrescensNationally rare/scarcefirst: 1968
- Diamond-back Moth Plutella xylostellafirst: 1986
- Dingy Footman Eilema griseolafirst: 2017
- Dotted Border Agriopis marginariafirst: 2014
- Dotted Border Wave Idaea sylvestrariafirst: 2018
- Double Line Mythimna turcaNationally rare/scarcefirst: 2009
- Double Square-spot Xestia triangulumfirst: 2021
- Double-striped Pug Gymnoscelis rufifasciata first: 1988
- Drinker Euthrix potatoriafirst: 1993
- Dun-bar Cosmia trapezina first: 1990
- Dusky Brocade Apamea remissafirst: 1968
- Early Grey Xylocampa areolafirst: 1998
- Early Moth Theria primariafirst: 2018
- Early Thorn Selenia dentariafirst: 1990
- Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila elpenorfirst: 1992
- Emperor Moth Saturnia pavoniafirst: 1877
- Engrailed Ectropis bistortafirst: 1995
- Fan-foot Zanclognatha tarsipennalisfirst: 1989
- Feathered Ranunculus Polymixis licheneafirst: 1907
- Feathered thorn Colotois pennariafirst: 1988
- Figure of Eighty Tethea occularisfirst: 1992
- Five-spot Burnet Zygaena trifoliifirst: 1990
- Flame Axylia putrisfirst: 1968
- Flame Carpet Xanthorhoe designatafirst: 2014
- Flame Shoulder Ochropleura plectafirst: 1968
- Flounced Rustic Luperina testaceafirst: 1907
- Fox Moth Macrothylacia rubifirst: 1907
- Foxglove Pug Eupithecia pulchellatafirst: 1968
- Frosted Orange Gortyna flavagafirst: 1992
- Fruitlet Mining Tortrix Pammene rhediellafirst: 1993
- Garden Carpet Xanthorhoe fluctuatafirst: 1878
- Garden Pebble Evergestis forficalisfirst: 2018
- Garden Rose Tortrix Acleris varieganafirst: 1993
- Garden Tiger Arctia cajafirst: 1877
- Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonusCommonfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Gold Swift Hepalius hectaUnconfirmedfirst: none
- Grass Eggar Lasiocampa trifoliiPossibly misidentified L. quercus (Oak Eggar)first: 1878
- Grass Emerald Pseudoterpna pruinatafirst: 2018
- Grayling Hipparchia semeleCommonfirst: 1926reference: Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Great Prominent Peridea ancepsfirst: 2021
- Green Carpet Colostygia pectinatariafirst: 2012
- Green Hairstreak Callophrys rubiRarefirst: 1988
- Green Oak Tortrix Tortrix viridanafirst: 1986
- Green Pug Chloroclystis rectangulatafirst: 1995
- Green-veined White Peris napiAbundantfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Grey Dagger Acronicta psifirst: 1878
- Grey Pine Carpet Thera obeliscatafirst: 2007
- Grey Pug Eupithecia subfuscatafirst: 2018
- Ground Lackey Malacosoma castrensisPossibly misidentified M. neuatria (Lackey)first: 1877
- Heart and Dart Agrotis exclamationisfirst: 1968
- Heath Fritillary Miltaea athaliaExtinct on Lundyfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946
- Heather Knot-horn Pempelia palumbellafirst: 1993
- Hebrew Character Orthosia gothicafirst: 1990
- Hedge Rustic Tholera cespitisfirst: 1907
- Herald Scoliopteryx libatrixfirst: 2010
- Hoary Footman Eilema caniolafirst: 1907
- Holly Blue Celastrina argiolusOccasionalfirst: 1972reference: Dymond 1972
- Honeysuckle Moth Ypsolopha dentellafirst: 1993
- Humming-bird Hawk-moth Macroglossum stellatarumfirst: 1877
- Ingrailed Clay Diarsia mendicafirst: 1968
- Iron Prominent Notodonta dromedariusUnconfirmedfirst: 1877
- Jersey Tiger Euplagia quadripunctariaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 2005
- July Belle Scotopteryx luridatafirst: 1968
- July Highflyer Hydriomena furcatafirst: 1973
- Kentish Glory Endromis versicoloraListed from a single (probably erroneous) recordfirst: 1877
- Knot Grass Acronicta rumicisfirst: 1907
- L-album Wainscot Mythimna l-albumfirst: 2010
- Lackey Malacosoma neustriafirst: 1986
- Large Fruit-tree Tortrix Archips podanafirst: 1973
- Large Pale Masoner Blastobasis lacticolellafirst: 2023reference: LFS Annual Report 2023
- Large Ranunculus Polymixis flavicinctafirst: 1988
- Large Skipper Ochlodes venataRarefirst: 1995
- Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychlorosExtinct c1950first: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946
- Large White Pieris brassicaeAbundantfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronubafirst: 1877
- Lead Belle Scotopteryx mucronatafirst: 2016
- Least Black Arches Nola confusalisfirst: 2011
- Least Yellow Underwing Noctua interjectafirst: 1986
- Leopard Moth Zeuzera pyrinafirst: 2009
- Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing Noctua janthefirst: 1993
- Lesser Common Rustic Mesapamea didymaUnconfirmedfirst: 1993
- Lesser Cream Wave Scopula immutatafirst: 1968
- Lesser Yellow Underwing Noctua comesfirst: 1968
- Light Arches Apamea lithoxylaeafirst: 1968
- Light Emerald Campaea margaritatafirst: 1990
- Lime-speck Pug Eupithecia centaureatafirst: 1907
- Little Emerald Jodis lacteariafirst: 1968
- Lunar Underwing Omphaloscelis lunosafirst: 1986
- Lunar Yellow Underwing Noctua orbonafirst: 2023reference: LFS Annual Report 2023
- Lychnis Hadena bicrurisfirst: 1990
- Marbled Coronet Hadena confusafirst: 1946
- Marbled Green Cryphia muralisfirst: 1877
- Marbled Minor Oligia strigilisUnconfirmed Marbled/Rufous Minorfirst: 1973
- May Highflyer Hydriomena impluviatafirst: 2011
- Meadow Brown Maniola jurtinaAbundantfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Meadow Grass Crambus lathoniellusPossibly misidentified records of C. pratella may be this speciesfirst: 2023reference: LFS Annual Report 2023
- Meal Moth Pyralis farinalisfirst: 2018
- Middle-barred Minor Oligia fasciunculafirst: 1968
- Minor Shoulder-knot Brachylomia viminalisfirst: 1990
- Monarch Danaus plexippusRare migrantfirst: 1981
- Mother of Pearl Pleuroptya ruralisfirst: 1973
- Mother Shipton Euclidia mifirst: 2004
- Mottled Beauty Alcis repandatafirst: 1878
- Mottled Pug Eupithecia exiguatafirst: 2000
- Mullein Shargacucullia verbascifirst: 2011
- Mullein Wave Scopula marginepunctatafirst: 1907
- Muslin Moth Diaphora mendicafirst: 1951
- Narrow-winged Pug Eupithecia nanatafirst: 1907
- Netted Pug Eupithecia venosatafirst: 2018
- Nettle Tap Anthrophila fabricianafirst: 1983
- Northern Rustic Standfussiana lucerneafirst: 1968
- Nutmeg Discestra trifoliifirst: 2011
- Oak Eggar Lasiocampa quercusfirst: 1877
- Orange Footman Eilema sororculaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 1986
- Orange Swift Hepalius sylvinafirst: 1986
- Orange Tip Anthocharis cardaminesOccasionalfirst: 1877reference: Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946
- Painted Lady Vanessa carduiAbundantfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Pale Mottled Willow Caradrina clavipalpisfirst: 1988
- Pale Prominent Pterostoma palpinaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 1995
- Pale Tussock Calliteara pudipundafirst: 2004
- Pale-shouldered Brocade Lacanobia thalassinafirst: 1986
- Parsnip Moth Depressaria heraclei (=pastinacella)first: 1988
- Peach Blossum Thyatira batisfirst: 2016
- Peacock Aglais ioOccasionalfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Pearl-bordered Fritillary Boloria euphrosyneExtinct on Lundyfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946
- Pearly Underwing Peridroma sauciafirst: 2006
- Peppered Moth Biston betularia first: 1990
- Pine Leaf-mining Moth Clavigesta purdeyifirst: 1990
- Pine Shoot Moth Rhyacionia buolianafirst: 1988
- Plain Golden Y Autographa iotafirst: 1987
- Plum Tortrix Hedya prunianafirst: 1988
- Poplar Hawk-moth Laothoe populifirst: 1877
- Privet Hawk-moth Sphinx ligustri3 recordsfirst: 2021
- Purple Bar Cosmorhoe ocellatafirst: 1907
- Purple Clay Diarsia brunneafirst: 2021
- Purple thorn Selenia tetralunariafirst: 1990
- Puss Moth Cerura vinulafirst: 1950
- Red Admiral Atlanta vanessaAbundantfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Red Carpet Xanthorhoe decolorariaPossibly misidentified - does not occur in Southern Britainfirst: none
- Red Chestnut Cerastis rubricosafirst: 2019
- Red Sword-grass Xylena vetustafirst: 2011
- Red Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe spadiceariafirst: 1907
- Red-green Carpet Chloroclysta siteratafirst: 2006
- Red-line Quaker Agrochola lotafirst: 2006
- Rhomboid Tortrix Acleris rhombanafirst: 1987
- Riband Wave Idaea aversatafirst: 1968
- Ringed China-mark Parapoynx stratiotatafirst: 2017
- Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantusCommonfirst: 1972reference: Dymond 1972
- Rivulet Perizoma affinitatafirst: 1993
- Rosy Footman Mitochrista miniatafirst: 2013
- Rosy Marbled Elaphria venustulaUnconfirmedfirst: 1986
- Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosafirst: 1973
- Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micaceafirst: 1951
- Ruby Tiger Phragmatobia fuliginosafirst: 1907
- Rufous Minor Oligia versicolorUnconfirmed Marbled/Rufous Minorfirst: 1989
- Rush Veneer Nomophila noctuellafirst: 1986
- Rustic Hoplodrina blandafirst: 1968
- Rustic Shoulder-knot Apamea sordensUnconfirmedfirst: 1878
- Rusty-dot Pearl Udea ferrugalisfirst: 1990
- Sandy Carpet Perizoma flavofasciatafirst: 2016
- Satin Wave Idaea subsericeatafirst: 1968
- Scalloped Hazel Odontoptera bidentatafirst: 1990
- Scalloped Oak Crocallis elinguariafirst: 1907
- Scarce Footman Eilema complanafirst: 1986
- Scarce Silver Y Syngrapha interrogationisRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 1987
- Scarlet Tiger Callimorpha dominulafirst: 1987
- Setaceous Hebrew Character Xestia c-nigrumfirst: 1951
- Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiatafirst: 1907
- Sharp-angled Peacock Macaria alternatafirst: 1973
- Shears Hada plebejafirst: 1907
- Short-cloaked Moth Nola cucullatellafirst: 2012
- Shoulder-striped Wainscot Mythimna commaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 2011
- Shuttle-shaped Dart Agrotis putafirst: 1990
- Silver Y Autographa gammafirst: 1877
- Silver-ground Carpet Xanthorhoe montanatafirst: 1951
- Silver-spotted Skipper Hesperia commaRarefirst: 1981
- Single-dotted Wave Idaea dimidiatafirst: 1968
- Six-spot Burnet Zygaena filipendulaefirst: 1972
- Skin Moth Monopis laevigellafirst: 1995
- Slender Brindle Apamea scolopacinafirst: 2021
- Slender Pug Eupithecia tenuiatafirst: 1995
- Small Angle Shades Euplexia luciparafirst: 1968
- Small Blood-vein Scopula imitaria first: 1946
- Small Clouded Brindle Apamea unanimisfirst: 2017
- Small Copper Lycaena phlaesAbundantfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Small Dusty Wave Idaea seriatafirst: 2021
- Small Fan-footed Wave Idaea biselatafirst: 1907
- Small Heath Coenonympha pamphilusAbundantfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Small Magpie Eurrhypara hortulatafirst: 1993
- Small Mottled Willow Spodoptera exiguaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 1986
- Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary Boloria seleneExtinct on Lundyfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946
- Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceatafirst: 1995
- Small Rivulet Perizoma alchemillatafirst: 1968
- Small Rufous Coenobia rufafirst: 2011
- Small Square-spot Diarsia rubifirst: 1988
- Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticaeAbundantfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Small Wainscot Chortodes pygminafirst: 1995
- Small White Pieris rapaeAbundantfirst: 1877reference: Chanter 1877, Loyd 1925, Palmer 1946, Dymond 1972
- Smoky Wainscot Mythimna impurafirst: 1973
- Snout Hypena proboscidalisfirst: 1968
- Speckled Broom Bluff Agonopterix assimilellafirst: 2023reference: LFS Annual Report 2023
- Speckled Wood Pararge aegeriaCommonfirst: 1973reference: Dymond 1972
- Speckled Yellow Pseudopanthera maculariafirst: 2016
- Spectacle Abrostola tripartitafirst: 1878
- Spinach Eulithis mellinataUnconfirmedfirst: 1907
- Spruce Carpet Thera britannicafirst: 2011
- Square-spot Dart Euxoa obeliscafirst: 1907
- Square-spot Rustic Xestia xanthographafirst: 1907
- Straw Dot Rivula sericealisfirst: 2018
- Straw Underwing Thalpophila maturaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 1907
- Strawberry Tortrix Acleris comarianafirst: 2018
- Streamer Anticlea derivatafirst: 2018
- Swallow-tailed Moth Ourapteryx sambucariafirst: 1973
- Sword-grass Xylena exsoletafirst: 2013
- Tansy Plume Platyptila ochrodactylaRare/scarce for Lundy - Tansy does occur on Lundyfirst: 1877
- Tawny Shears Hadena perplexafirst: 2012
- Tawny Speckled Pug Eupithecia icteratafirst: 2018
- The Coronet Craniophora ligustriRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 2018
- The Magpie Abraxas grossulariatafirst: 1877
- The Vapourer Orgyia antiquaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 2016
- Thrift Clearwing Synansphecia muscaeformisfirst: 1983
- Thyme Pug Eupithecia distinctariaNationally rare/scarcefirst: 1968
- Tissue Triphosa dubitataUnconfirmedfirst: 1986
- Treble Lines Charanyca trigrammicafirst: 2011
- Treble-bar Aplocera plagiatafirst: 1951
- True Lover's Knot Lycophotia porphyreafirst: 1907
- Turnip Moth Agrotis segetumfirst: 1878
- Twenty-plume Moth Alucita hexadactylafirst: 1984
- Uncertain Hoplodrina alsinesfirst: 1990
- V-Pug Chloroclystis v-atafirst: 2018
- Vine's Rustic Hoplodrina ambiguaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 1990
- Wall Lasiommata megeraFewfirst: 1986
- Water Veneer Acentria ephemerellafirst: 2023reference: LFS Annual Report 2023
- Waved Umber Menophra abruptariaUnconfirmedfirst: 1878
- White Admiral Liemnitis camillaRare - unconfirmedfirst: 2008
- White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipedafirst: 1968
- White Plume Moth Pterophorus pentadactylafirst: 1988
- White-line Dart Euxoa tricitifirst: 1986
- White-point Mythimna albipunctafirst: 2009
- White-shouldered House Moth Endrosis sarcitrellafirst: 2017
- White-speck Mythimna unipunctaRare/scarce for Lundyfirst: 2016
- Willow Beauty Peribatodes rhomboidariafirst: 1968
- Willow Tortrix Epinotia crucianafirst: 2021
- Winter Moth Operophtera brumatafirst: 2007
- Wormwood Pug Eupithecia absinthiatafirst: 1990
- Yellow Lined Quaker Agrochola macilenta first: 2011
- Yellow Shell Camptogramma bilineatafirst: 1907
- Yellow-barred Brindle Acasis viretatafirst: 2017
- Yellow-tail Euproctic similisfirst: 1995