- Sampson, B.
- Rat eradication and seabird recovery AR53: 57--61
- Saunders, N.
- Kittiwake, Guillemot and Fulmar productivity in 2008 J2: 85--90
- Kittiwake, Guillemot and Fulmar productivity in 2010 AR60: 18--46
- Puffin breeding productivty in 2010 AR60: 75
- Puffin numbers and productivity in 2008 AR58: 77--85
- Puffin numbers and productivity, 2009, 2010 J3: 111--124
- Puffin numbers in 2006 AR56: 50--56
- Puffin numbers in 2007 J1: 57--64
- Schembri, P. J.
- Marine fauna---Crustacea: Euphausiacea and Decapoda AR31: 35--51
- Schofield, A. J.
- Archaeological test-pits south of Quarter Wall AR41: 34--52
- Flint collections examined AR42: 70--84
- Heligoland traps AR54: 93--107
- Review of editor's job AR49: 9--11
- Scheduled monuments on Lundy AR49: 54--57
- Scriven, N. J.
- Sika, Red and Fallow Deer AR26: 19--27
- Sea
- Biological monitoring AR36: 27--34
- Level changes AR18: 24--28
- Water temperatures 1986--7 AR38: 48--49
- Water temperatures in 1972--3 AR24: 40
- Seashore
- Ecology AR1: 12--15
- Granite AR4: 34--40
- Slate AR5: 25--29
- Service, M. W.
- Mosquitoes and myxomatosis AR21: 35--36
- Seymour, R.
- Ship Rat survey AR42: 95--98
- Sharks
- Sheridan, S. P.
- Freshwater flora and fauna AR37: 35--46
- Sherman, G
- Puffin breeding site selection J2: 91--104
- Sherwood, B. R.
- Survey of Butterfly history AR25: 70, 72--73
- Shoji, A.
- Manx Shearwater tracking AR62: 98--100
- Sidelands
- East
- Ecological effects of Sika Deer AR38: 41--46
- Vegetation differences between AR5: 30--32
- Simensen, SM
- Effect of herbivores on Lundy Cabbage J3: 25--32
- Sinclair, G. R.
- Oxford "Lundy Expedition" report AR15: 17--22
- Slader, P
- Cliff-nesting seabird numbers in 2013 AR63: 85--92
- Smith, C. A.
- Impact of rabbits on vegetation J1: 21--32
- Smith, F. R.
- (as subject) Obituary AR42: 10
- Smith, J. A.
- Ship Rat survey AR42: 95--98
- Smith, P
- Mapping sedimentary marine biotopes J3: 41--74
- Smith, P. A.
- Rats and nesting seabirds AR43: 42--49
- Ship Rat survey AR42: 95--98
- Ship Rats in 1983 AR36: 35--38
- Smith, R. M.
- Marine Algae AR20: 43--44
- Smith, Sir John
- (as subject) Obituary AR56: 13
- Snails
- Limnaea truncatula
- Distribution in 1950 AR4: 28--33
- Snow, B.
- Soils
- Acidity profiles and mapping AR30: 32--37, 39
- Acidity transects AR39: 66--67
- Relationship to vegetation AR54: 42--50
- Sparrow, Jonathan
- (as subject) Obituary AR16: 3
- Spencer, R
- Gull behaviour differences J4: 85--104
- Spiders
- Additions to species list AR43: 113--114
- Colour variation in Enoplognatha ovata AR31: 14--15
- Purse-web on "mainland" Lundy AR47: 127--128
- Species list AR19: 33--36
- Species list 1928 AR57: 54--65
- Species present AR40: 60--64
- Squires, N
- Dolphin and porpoise survey J4: 39--56
- Stafford Wright, J.
- Honewort discovered AR19: 49
- Stanier, P
- Review Lundy Granite Company J2: 118--119
- Steinman Steinman, G [as subject]
- Life and description of Lundy J2: 53--66
- Stevens, C.
- Plant-soil relations AR54: 42--50
- Stone, B. M. (see also McHardy)
- Flora and fauna of Pondsbury AR30: 20--31
- Freshwater flora and fauna in ponds AR31: 19--34
- Freshwater plankton AR53: 99--109
- Stone, S. M.
- Marine fauna---Sponges AR34: 16--35
- Straker, R
- Lundy Cabbage seed dispersal and germination J2: 45--52
- Streams
- Ecology AR3: 32--41
- List AR19: 36--39
- Water quality and invertebrate list AR44: 56--58
- Stuart, A.
- Soay and domestic sheep behaviour AR46: 45--49
- Studdy, R. E.
- Manx Shearwaters in 1948 AR2: 25--26
- Sutton, Luke J
- Breeding ecology and prey of Peregrine Falcons J5: 75--88
- Population status of Peregine Falcons, 2014 AR64: 92--97