We are always very keen to receive records of plants found on the island and invite you to enter your findings in the appropriate section in the LFS Logbook. To make your records really useful to us and to the Botanical Society of the British Isles please give as much information as possible.
- Species name – both common and scientific names if possible.
- Date of the record.
- Number of specimens present, and description: eg, in bud, in full flower, seed heads or leaves only.
- Precise location – unfortunately, vague comments like, “along the east side”, or “beyond the airfield” are not much help so please give as much detail as you can, with sketches or simple maps if possible.
- Photographs can be really helpful, especially if there is any doubt over the identification or the location of the plant.
- Please include your contact details so that we can get in touch if there are any further questions.
Goldenrod Solidago virgaurea
28th September 2016
Approximately 20 plants in flower along the edge of the quarry terraces on the east side next to the Heligoland Bird Trap.
Most plants were about 30cm tall.
Found by Andrew Cleave This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.