2020 Grasshopper and Cricket records

This table comprises the grasshopper and cricket records for 2020.

The contents of this table may be sorted using the arrows in the header row and filtered by entering text in the boxes at the head of each column.

Species nameScientific nameQuantitySiteDateRecorder
Field GrasshopperChorthippus brunneus3East Side2020-07-05Alan Rowland
Field GrasshopperChorthippus brunneus1Millcombe2020-07-05Alan Rowland
Meadow GrasshopperPseudochorthippus parallelus1Millcombe2020-07-05Alan Rowland
Field GrasshopperChorthippus brunneus1Quarries2020-07-06Alan Rowland
Field GrasshopperChorthippus brunneus1East Side2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Field GrasshopperChorthippus brunneus1Quarries2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Meadow GrasshopperPseudochorthippus parallelus1The Ugly2020-07-10Alan Rowland
Field GrasshopperChorthippus brunneus1Quarries2020-07-14Alan Rowland

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