2022 Damselfly and Dragonfly records

This table comprises the damselfly and dragonfly records for 2022.

The contents of this table may be sorted using the arrows in the header row and filtered by entering text in the boxes at the head of each column.

Species nameScientific nameQuantitySite nameDateRecorder name
Blue-tailed DamselflyIschnura elegans 2Pondsbury2022-05-28P Holt
Emperor DragonflyAnax imperator 1Castle2022-05-30Ann & Tony Taylor
Emperor DragonflyAnax imperator 1Jenny's Cove2022-06-02S Cossey
Emperor DragonflyAnax imperator 2East Side2022-06-15anon
Emperor DragonflyAnax imperator 1Halfway Wall2022-06-16Amanda Yates
Emperor DragonflyAnax imperator 1Terrace2022-06-30David Rowe
Blue-tailed DamselflyIschnura elegans 1Pondsbury2022-07-03S Cossey
Common DarterSympetrum striolatum 1Pondsbury2022-07-03S Cossey
Common DarterSympetrum striolatum 1Pondsbury2022-07-04Rosemary Buckland
Emperor DragonflyAnax imperator 2Quarter Wall Pond2022-07-05Rosemary Buckland
Common DarterSympetrum striolatum 1Halfway Wall2022-07-07anon
Blue-tailed DamselflyIschnura elegans 10Pondsbury2022-07-14Sam Bosanquet
Common Blue DamselfyEnallagma cyathigerum 3Pondsbury2022-07-14Sam Bosanquet
Emperor DragonflyAnax imperator 4Pondsbury2022-07-14Sam Bosanquet
Black-tailed SkimmerOrthetrum cancellatum 1Pondsbury2022-09-08Mandy Yates
Blue-tailed DamselflyIschnura elegans presentPondsbury2022-09-08Mandy Yates
Common DarterSympetrum striolatum presentPondsbury2022-09-08Mandy Yates
Emperor DragonflyAnax imperator 1Pondsbury2022-09-08Mandy Yates


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