- Magnusson, Kristjan
- Paintings of Lundy J5: 109--128
- Mammals (see separate index)
- Maps
- Early AR13: 44--48
- List of historical maps, plans and drawings AR52: 103--109
- Printed AR20: 31--32
- Showing Newtown AR41: 55--64
- Marine biology (see also Mammals)
- Additions to flora AR26: 61--62
- Algae AR22: 46
- Asparagopsis armatata [should be armata] AR51: 113--115
- Sargassum muticum AR51: 113--115
- Species list 1950 AR4: 41--42
- Ascidiacea (Sea squirts)
- Species list AR27: 48--52
- Bivalves AR32: 29--37
- Bryozoa
- Species list AR27: 16--34
- Coelenterata
- Species list AR25: 20--32
- Corals
- Sunset Cup Coral J2: 67--84
- Crustacea AR31: 52--63
- Amphipoda AR31: 52--63
- Decapoda AR31: 35--51
- Euphausiacea AR31: 35--51
- Dolphin and porpoise survey J4: 39--56
- Echinodermata (Starfish, Sea Urchins etc) AR29: 34--37
- Entoprocta
- Species list AR27: 16--34
- Fish plankton AR30: 49--55
- Fish species list in 1977 AR28: 45--54
- Goneplax Rhomboides studies AR26: 55--60
- Granite shores J1: 7--20
- Habitat mapping AR47: 92
- Heavy metals in organisms and sediments AR24: 36--39
- Introduction to species lists AR25: 16--19
- Limpets
- Morphology AR48: 67--74
- Mapping sedimentary biotopes J3: 41--74
- Marine Conservation Society diving working party AR48: 64--66
- Monitoring AR36: 27--34
- Nature trail AR43: 10--14
- Opisthobranchia
- Species list AR27: 37--47
- Periwinkle
- Species survey AR41: 67--72
- Polychaeta (Marine Bristleworm)
- Species list AR25: 33--48
- Prosobranchia (Limpets, Whelks etc) AR29: 38--45
- Pycnogonida (Sea spiders)
- Species list AR27: 35--37
- Recent changes in marine life AR52: 84--93
- Red Band AR27: 58--63
- Population studies in 1984--88 AR40: 53--59
- Seashore survey
- Historic and recent compared J5: 35--54
- Report of work AR1: 12--15
- Seaweed
- New species (Falkenburgia) identified AR3: 29--31
- Shark sightings AR24: 27
- Shore communities---vertical zonation AR30: 40--48
- Shore Ecology AR2: 28--33
- Shore fauna
- Species list 1950 AR4: 42--44
- Slate shores J1: 7--20
- Soft sediment fauna
- Survey and species list AR27: 53--58
- Species on wreck of M. V. Robert AR32: 40--44
- Sponges AR34: 16--35
- Sublittoral monitoring 1984--90 AR43: 94--103
- Submerged rock fauna AR21: 20--21, 24--33
- Survey of Knoll Pins AR24: 28--35
- Trace metals from organisms AR25: 49--52
- Wrecks AR45: 77--85
- Marine Nature Reserve
- Advisory Group report, 1995 AR46: 50--51
- Advisory Group report, 1996 AR47: 90--91
- Advisory Group report, 1997 AR48: 62--63
- Advisory Group report, 1998 AR49: 86--88
- Advisory Group report, 1999 AR50: 109--111
- Advisory Group report, 2000 and 2001 AR51: 120--126
- Advisory Group report, 2002 AR52: 99--102
- Advisory Group report, 2003 AR53: 131--135
- Advisory Group report, 2004 AR54: 108--111
- Advisory Group report, 2005 AR55: 56--60
- Advisory Group report, 2006 AR56: 46--49
- Advisory Group report, 2007 AR57: 21--24
- Advisory Group report, 2008 AR58: 23--24
- Advisory Group report, 2009 AR59: 16--17
- Advisory Group report, 2010 AR60: 16--17
- Advisory Group report, 2011 AR61: 16--17
- Advisory Group report, 2012 AR62: 16--18
- Advisory Group report, 2013 AR63: 16--18
- After five years AR42: 85--89
- Archaeology
- Policy AR45: 57--76
- Candidate Special Area of Conservation AR51: 116--119
- Consultation group AR45: 28--29
- Establishment of consultation group AR36: 44
- Habitat mapping AR47: 92
- History and Code of Conduct AR37: 26--31
- Intertidal monitoring AR42: 90--94
- Management plan AR44: 28--35
- Monitoring, 1998 AR49: 89--92, AR49: 93--94
- Monitoring, 1999 AR50: 112--115
- Policy document AR23: 39--45
- Progress AR22: 31--34
- Protected Area Advisory Group report, 2014 AR64: 18--20
- Protected Area Advisory Group report, 2015 AR65: 17--19
- Sublittoral monitoring 1984--90 AR43: 94--103
- Summary of Warden's report 1978 AR29: 49--50
- Marisco Castle
- Date of the house AR50: 94--101
- Plan in 1988 AR40: 48--49
- Marren, P. R.
- Lundy Cabbage AR22: 27--31
- Conservation studies 1994-2000 AR50: 48--69
- Lundy Cabbage---an addendum AR23: 51--52
- Rhododendron---survey AR23: 46--51
- Marshall, F. R.
- Orthoptera AR20: 33
- Marshall, K.
- Puffin breeding site selection J2: 91--104
- Pygmy shrew numbers and trapping methods AR58: 86--88
- Matharu, H. S.
- Heavy metals in marine organisms and sediments AR24: 36--39
- Maurice, L
- Manx Shearwater tracking AR59: 74--75
- May, J.
- Analysis of Lapwing songflight AR35: 19--24
- McAvity, M. A.
- Atlantic College project report AR25: 68--69
- Knoll Pins---underwater survey AR24: 28--35
- McHardy, B. (see also Stone)
- Freshwater flora and fauna in ponds AR53: 110--130
- Freshwater plankton AR53: 99--109
- McShane, C
- Review of Davis and Jones's Birds of Lundy J1: 98
- Mendelssohn, J. M.
- Atlantic College project report AR25: 68--69
- Knoll Pins---underwater survey AR24: 28--35
- Middle Park
- Archaeological survey AR16: 30--32
- Mills, M. T.
- Copper mines---survey AR23: 59--62
- Dr Tom Longstaff---Pioneer of Lundy climbing AR22: 41--42
- List and plans of caves AR19: 9
- Mines
- Copper AR23: 59--62
- Mitcham, S.
- Knoll Pins---underwater survey AR24: 28--35
- Mitchell, G. F.
- Abstract of paper on glacial gravel AR19: 39--40
- Monk, K K
- Rhododendron clearance effects on fungi J4: 57--70
- Montagu, R.
- Fungi---September 1972 AR23: 59
- Moore, P. G.
- Marine fauna---Crustacea: Amphipoda AR31: 52--63
- Morgan, J. D.
- Find of dated granite block (1864) AR41: 65
- Moss, D.
- Marine Conservation Society diving working party AR46: 54--65
- Munton, P. N.
- Bristol University field course report AR21: 12--13
- Field studies course report AR25: 76--78
- Mussett, A. E.
- Palaeomagnetic rock investigation AR22: 45