- Walker, A. J. B.
- (as subject) Obituary AR60: 85
- Fungi in 1971 AR22: 43
- Tentative fungal identifications AR21: 34--35
- Walker, C
- Lundy Cabbage seed dispersal and germination J2: 45--52
- Waller,C. S.
- Wardens report 1967 AR18: 3
- Walmsley, P.
- Butterflies---feeding habits AR28: 43--44
- Walmsley, T.
- Butterflies---feeding habits AR28: 43--44
- Warden
- Watt, T. A.
- Grasses---Two areas surveyed AR30: 37--38
- Vegetation survey AR33: 14--28
- Weather
- Effects of 1962--3 winter AR15: 34--35
- Rainfall AR43: 10--14
- Webb, T. J.
- Facial hair whorls and temperament of ponies AR52: 67--83
- Webster, C. J.
- Archaeological geophysical survey AR43: 68--77
- Archaeological test-pits south of Quarter Wall AR41: 34--52
- Bull's Paradise geophysical survey AR42: 66--69
- Contents of Annual Reports, 1990-1999 AR51: 146--161
- Index of Annual Reports, 1990-1999 AR51: 162--174
- Lundy in the fifteenth century (William Worcestre) AR41: 53--54
- Welch, R. C.
- Coleoptera---Additions to species list AR20: 39--43
- Coleoptera---Species list AR20: 33--38
- Westcott, A.
- (as subject) Obituary AR60: 86
- Fescue blanket on Rat Island AR25: 53--55
- Flora---additions to species list AR22: 25--26
- Flora---additions to species list in 1970 AR21: 18, 22--23
- Flora---species list AR20: 18--22
- Speculation on Vortigern's burial place AR27: 64--65
- Wheatley, S.
- Kittiwake, Guillemot and Fulmar productivity in 2008 J2: 85--90
- Kittiwake, Guillemot and Fulmar productivity in 2010 AR60: 18--46
- Puffin breeding productivty in 2010 AR60: 75
- Puffin numbers and productivity in 2008 AR58: 77--85
- Puffin numbers and productivity, 2009, 2010 J3: 111--124
- Puffin numbers in 2006 AR56: 50--56
- Puffin numbers in 2007 J1: 57--64
- Whitaker, B.
- (as subject) Obituary AR57: 12
- Blackbirds in 1951--56 AR10: 42--44
- Numbers of nesting sea-birds AR11: 24--26
- Shag ringing studies AR10: 38--39
- Summary of work on breeding birds in 1947--56 AR10: 48--53
- Unusual numbers of Tits AR11: 23--24
- Weights and measurements of migrant birds AR10: 45--48
- Whiteley, G. M.
- Nitrate pollution AR48: 94--102
- Whiteside, M
- Vigilance in feral goats J3: 87--98
- Widow's Tenement
- Excavation AR16: 30--32
- Pig's Paradise AR50: 106--108
- Wilkins, P.
- Recolonisation of the North End AR24: 42--50
- Willcox, N. A.
- Grey Seal pupping in 1987 AR38: 47
- Grey Seal pupping on Lundy, review and 1986 observations AR37: 32--34
- Larus Gulls on Lundy AR37: 21--25
- Sea-bird population studies AR38: 24--32
- Sea-water temperatures 1986--7 AR38: 48--49
- Status of Kittiwakes AR39: 24--30
- Williams, M. A.
- OS benchmarks AR62: 95--97
- Williams, P
- Review of Light over Lundy J1: 98
- Wilson, H.
- Survey of fungus species AR38: 50--51
- Wilson, J. G.
- Marine fauna---Bivalves AR32: 29--37
- Marine soft sediment fauna AR27: 53--58
- Winney, I.
- House sparrow studies AR61: 98--99
- Wood, C
- Review of Protecting Lundy's Marine Life J4: 124
- Woodlice
- Species list 1986 AR37: 56
- Worcestre, William
- (as subject) Lundy in 1478 AR41: 53--54
- Wrecks
- Additional details of losses AR20: 22
- Additions to list AR49: 58--67
- Ecology AR45: 77--85
- Gull Rock site
- Survey AR44: 52--55
- List AR18: 19--23
- M. V. Robert
- Marine life AR32: 40--44
- Policy AR45: 57--76
- Survey AR45: 77--85
- Wright, F. R. E.
- (as subject) Obituary AR17: 3
- (as subject)---Floral lists AR30: 49--55